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Zero Trust Assessment

What’s in the Assessment?

The Zero Trust Assessment contains 25 discovery questions based on NIST framework and architecture. This survey will take 20-30 minutes to complete.

This assessment will:

  • Determine the maturity of your zero trust model
  • Help you understand where you are and where you’re headed
  • Empower you with a gap analysis
  • Provide customized recommendations on how to progress your strategy

What Happens After the Assessment?

After the assessment, your results will be sent to MicroFocus to analyze. You will receive a full risk report via email within 5 business days. These results are based on NIST framework and can help you understand your zero trust maturity.

Looking for more detail?

Once you have completed the zero trust assessment, you’ll unlock a free half-day workshop that provides a deep dive analysis of your results to all the relevant stakeholders at your company.

Please take our brief survey about your recent experience with GCA.