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Setup Re-Hires with Previous Network IDs and Email Addresses

by Bob Giguere | December 13, 2024

Illustration by GCA showing a diagonal column of blue boxes in varying sizes and shades.

Maintain old account names and keep identities consistent.

Current Situation: Re-hires are subject to different business and regulatory controls. In multiple organizations that GCA has worked with, it was essential that usernames are only ever used once, and re-hires required their previously held usernames.

Impact: In IDM, new hires are either new or re-hired. Truly automated integrations between HR and IDM cannot be achieved without accounting for re-hire functionality.

Resolution: In most HR applications like PeopleSoft or Workday, when a new hire is sent to IDM, it is noted as either a new hire or a re-hire. When a re-hire is identified, logic is used to look up the user's historical network name and email address. This historical information is used to either re-provision their network account or enable their disabled network account. Finally, the network name and email address are sent back to the HR tool to update their records.